Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is RMS again and how do I explain you guys to a friend?

Pop music on strings. Radio Music Society is a string ensemble that performs covers of pop music. We do semester concerts and perform in and around the University and the Charlottesville community.

2. Can I ask you to play for our event?

Of course! We love to perform for all kinds things as featured guest performances! Please shoot us an email regarding all inquiries of performances.

3. Okay, I want in. When are auditions?

Auditions are always in the Fall! Please keep a look out for information as the Fall semesters approach. Keep a lookout for 2019 auditions happening soon!

4. I want to support Radio Music Society and see that you become super successful. How can I help?

TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND COME HEAR US PLAY! (Oh, and liking us on Facebook is kinda cool, too).